A Valentine's Day Prayer For My (Future) Husband

    I had a strong impression to write this poem today, and as this blog is the one I've decided to devote to anything spiritual and uplifting, I decided to place it here instead of on my writing blog.
    I don't know why I feel like God wants me to write this poem today. I've never been on a date, and have had little or no interest in boys at all--I know I want to get married one day, but to whom I have no idea.
    Still, when I was a child, my mother always told me to pray for my future husband, because even if I don't know who it will be, God does, and He will listen to that prayer and bless the proper person. And so, I have--and in a form where I can share it with you. Thank you for visiting The Weekly Hope today; I know I don't post on here weekly in any way, because this is definitely a secondary blog for me and I don't think about it all that often, but I appreciate your presence here anyway. May your Valentine's Day be full of love for the one who is or will be closest to you!

Prayer For My Husband
By Elia Beck

God, bless my future man;
Grant him all the strength You can,
And courage to o'ercome.
Teach him to love You, and me, too;
Show him the way to make it through;
Fill him with integrity,
And please protect his chastity.

Help him to be worthy, Lord,
Bless that he will keep Your word;
With hope and confidence,
To Satan he must not relent!

God, bless my future man;
He must work with both his hands
To build Your Kingdom, Lord.
Help him love children—ours and Yours!
Make us both partners at the oars.
On this Day of Valentine's,
Do what You must to keep him mine.

Help him to be worthy, Lord,
Bless that he will keep Your word;
With hope and confidence,
To Jesus Christ he must relent!


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