Humble Service

Anyone who's read my other blog probably knows I work at Thanksgiving Point. Today's Weekly Hope article is about a person there. Most people who visit the venue I work at never see her. Only some of the team members seem to notice her. She's not the first face you'll see upon arriving, and she's not the sort of person you're likely to remember when you leave. She isn't an Explorer like I am; she's not someone who comes up to you and starts talking to you to enrich your experience and help you learn new things at our venue. But the role she plays in your experience is huge, even if you never have cause to notice it. She's a hard worker--of that I can attest, having watched her do her job virtually every time I'm on shift for nearly six months. She's humble--she never calls attention to herself. But, like most people, she loves to be noticed, and if you say hello, she'll greet you with, 'Hola!' and a smile. How ca...