
Showing posts from November, 2023

Hello and Welcome!

    Hi there, Friend, and welcome to The Weekly Hope , an informal "newspaper" dedicated to good news and happy stories. Here, you will find no articles telling about sad happenings and political shenanigans. Rather, this is a place where we appreciate the good people of this world, and remind each other that they exist.     It might take me some time to get up to the weekly posting this blog's title advertises, because we're just getting started and we've got to train ourselves to see the good around here, but I hope that in the near future this blog becomes a ray of sunshine that grows larger and brighter with every passing week.     So, let's raise a toast to the future of this new newspaper, to the idea that you don't have  to use bad news to keep folks coming back, and to the good people everywhere.     Let's get this adventure started, shall we?     If you look for the good in people, expecting to find it, you surely will.